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- DirectoryOpus Config History
- ----------------------------
- !! For requirements check DOpusConfigRequirements !!
- - V1.00 - 1.35 were only internal releases ! -
- V1.00 : (Internal only)
- ===== Yeah! First release.
- With release of the DirOpusV4 source code, I decided to give you a
- config file with more power than any other.
- Currently there are more than 40 configured filetypes for gfx, sound,
- archiver files, each with listing / viewing / editing features.
- There are over 40 special menu-items for converting, packing and very
- special features (Copy files x days old, and more).
- Plus: Over 125 buttons with normal DOPUS-functions as well as special
- ones for filetypes, fast text searching, sound playing, encrypting,
- and more.
- Feel free to copy just some filetypes, menues, buttons for your own
- config or have a look at this config and use it as it is!
- More to come...
- V1.15 : (Internal only)
- ===== Added filetypes for: TIFF, WAVE, WMF, AMF, CGM, FIG, FinalCopy/Writer,
- MAUD, AIFF, VOC, Turboprint GrafikPublisher, MIDI,
- PPM, TTF and DR2D
- Added menue: "Packer/LZX DIR packen", uses script LZX-DirPack to
- archive a whole directory with only starting LZX one
- time / dir.
- Normally DOpus only add some files and add some files and
- add some files, ... (I´m sure you know this) and with
- every add archiving getting slower and slower because
- every time complete archive is checked for existing
- files - Warning: This option is also disabled so you can
- add same files into an archive!
- "Special/SMS Send" send SMS messages directly from DOpus
- using SMSSend from SMSSuite archive.
- Reconfigured buttons EmbeddINFO and PFS-RolloverFiles
- Some bugfixes in Menu-commands and _tried_ to color button rows with
- following system:
- - BLUE = External program
- - WHITE/BLACK = DOpus internal command
- - GREY = ARexx-Scripts
- Started "shortcutting" for often used funtions in NortonCommander
- style and added Shortcut into button / menu text.
- Now there are: - 125 buttons, with internal and external commands
- - 64 different menu commands
- - 58 different filetypes, only 7 filetypes detected
- only by filename - all others by HEX-match!!!
- Filename-Match: - Apple Quicktime MOV-ies '*.(mov|qt)'
- - Amiga CDXL-Animations '*.(cdxl|xl)'
- - HTML-documents '*.(html|htm|shtml)'
- - *NIX TAR-Archives '*.TAR'
- - *NIX TGZ-Archives '*.TGZ'
- - GSM-audio files '*.gsm'
- - ARJ-Archives '*(.arj|.a00)'
- Optimized config by deleting unneccessary spaces in command lines.
- V1.35 (Internal only, getting closer to AMINET-Release)
- ===== Completed "Shortcutting", just have a look at buttons and menues.
- "Ctrl" = Control-Key (in some buttons just names "Ct" or even "C")
- "^" = Left Shift-Key
- Other Keys should be self-explaining.
- All used shortcuts are listed in file "DOpusConfig-Shortcuts".
- - Script "katalog": removed useless assign. But due to internal
- functions of FDB-archive you cannot run more than one FDB at a time.
- - Added activation-hotkey to shortcut list
- - Changed the way Voodoo-X is working within filetypes. Now all
- selected entries are loaded into Voodoo-X History at once.
- Buttons:
- ========
- - !! BUGFIX: Button PFSIntoRollOver didn´t add entry to
- S:RemakeRollovers and S:RemakeRollovers wasn´t
- working after backup
- Now included: A edited MakeRolloverFile AREXX Program
- which adds lines to S:RemakeRollovers correctly plus
- some more output
- - !! BUGFIX: ButtonPage2 "PlaySong" now starts Hippoplayer (Edit
- Arexx/Play1b.rexx in your HippoPlayer directory) and
- add first selected song to DOpus.
- - ButtonPage2 "Lautstärke" replaced with "AddSong" to add multi-
- selected files into HippoPlayer playlist
- - "PFSIntoRollover" and "Change Rollover" buttons now accept multi-
- selection of files. "Change Rollover" now only works with command
- SetRollover V1.2+ !
- - "Compare DIR" "Compare DIR Rec" and "CompareFiles" updated to work
- with newest version of CMP
- - Button "Zuweisen" renamed into "Assign"
- - Buttons "GPatch APPLY" moved to first button, "Make GPatch" renamed
- to "GPatch MAKE" and moved to second button.
- "GPatch MAKE" now asks for old file-version and then makes patch file
- for selected entry !!
- Filetypes:
- ==========
- - NEW: Filetype "GPatch Patchfile" added. When gpatch-compatible file
- is found while Double-click, you can enter a file to apply
- patch to!
- - NEW: Filetypes for *.MCD and *.PSX MemoryCard data files.
- Action: - DoubleClick starts MCControl
- - USER1 writes selected MemoryCard file to MemoryCard
- (Only with *.MCD filetypes)
- Att!: Because of broken MCControl Hardware i can not
- test these features currently!
- - NEW: OS 2.1+ Catalog file support.
- Action: - DoubleClick starts ReCatIt for editing catalog.
- - Filetype PDF/PS: Changed actions for filetype PDF/PS. Button "READ"
- now prints PDF/PS using Turboprint and button "USER1" converts
- file into graphic format (Was: READ=converting, USER1=Turboprint).
- New variable in PDF/PS filetype "DPI" let you change resolution of
- converted pictures.
- - Better PCX/TIFF detection in filetypes
- - Filetype ADF: Thanks to new XAD-Archive you can extract files
- directly from raw ADF-files (Button2 "TypeEdit",
- behind "Show")
- - Filetype MPEG: New action on button "USER2" (Buttn2 "TypeEdit").
- will extract VIDEO and/or AUDIO from an MPEG-System
- stream file into selectable path/filename.
- I made this because i have no PPC card to view
- mpeg-system streams (Video+Audio data) in real-time.
- And some mpegs also have interesting songs - so now
- you can "rip" them.
- Comment: This is the first time i have to clear all
- used variables in event-process, seems DOpus has some
- problems with this. If you wanna see strange
- operations clear last entries and extract AUDIO/VIDEO
- from some files ;-)
- Some further optimizations
- Menues:
- =======
- - NEW: "Converter/Sample-->MP2" Converts AIFF/WAVE/CDDA into MPEG-1
- Layer II Sound format using Pegase
- - NEW: "Converter/Sample-->Sample (SOX)" converts any sample into
- other formats plus special effects using SOX. Please check
- SOX guide for further details how to use it.
- - Changed output format of "Special/Liste Neue Files"
- - Users without MagicMenu should notice some menue colors
- V1.60 First AMINET-Release !!!
- ===== Please read complete history for some hints and more details about
- this config file.
- - Saved 44 useless bytes in config file due to more optimizations ;-)
- - Changed standard viewer for graphic formats to Visage, as it is more
- stable and supports more formats
- Requires: -Visage.lha
- - Some programs now will use PIP and/or Picasso96 and CyberGraphX
- Options, because I´ve got my new Picasso IV
- Video and MPEG players re-configured for 24-bit output and PIP
- features.
- - Changed from english/german mix into english only, so buttons and
- menues now are completely in english. Some shortcuts changed due to
- translation progress. Please check document DOpusConfig-Shortcuts!
- - Note to internal variables in DirectoryOpus:
- When using variables in DOpus you had to clear them "by hand" during
- e.g. a batch process! Otherwise values are stored into used
- variables and automatically inserted into new batch processes, even
- in variables not used this time!
- Just have a look into my config at "Menues / Converter / Sample -->
- Sample (SOX)" or "Filetypes / MPEG-Animation / Command User2".
- - "DopusCFG / Operation / Copy / When copying files and directories /
- Check destination´s free space before starting" deactivated because
- DOpus doesn´t support partitions >=2GB (4GB?), so on every copy
- command a warning appeared. Very annoying for users with big
- partitions (like me). I hope someone fixes this in DOpus GPL Source.
- - FIXED in DOpus V4.14! So I re-activated this option !
- - Included ARexx program "MakeRolloverFile" now calculates real
- rollover size in bytes and add them to S:RemakeRollovers.
- You don´t have to change anything - only entries for new rollover
- files will give more output during recreation.
- Buttons:
- ========
- - CHANGE: Button "Copy BIG" renamed to "Copy BIG files" and external
- program changed to WBCopy instead of GCopy as it is faster
- and runs on my 060 without problems.
- Requires: - WBCopy.lha
- - CHANGE: Button "Size [CtrlS]" now uses external program to calculate
- dir size. Many times faster than internal routine now. E.g.
- my GFX directory (~330 MB in ~11.000 files):
- Old Internal 83 seconds
- New 08 seconds!!!
- New Opus V4.14i 13 seconds!!
- You can find old routine behind new button.
- Requires: - DirSize.lha
- - NEW: Bank 2, Row 2, Button 4. Attach to YAM. Will attach all
- selected files to YAM-mail (No DIRS) Requires
- REXX:Attach2Mail.dopus from AMINET:biz/dopus/DOpus4Plus.lha
- archive!
- Requires: - Dopus4Plus.lha
- - NEW: Bank 2, Row 1, Button 4. "Do MD5 Checksum" will create a MD5
- compatible checksum files for selected entries in source dir.
- Requires: - md5sum2.lha
- - NEW: Bank 2, Row 1, Button 4 (2). "Chk MD5 Checksum" does exactly
- the same as doueble-click on an MD5 checksum file (Will check
- files for correct checksums).
- Requires: - md5sum2.lha
- - FIXED: Button "Change Rollover" now cleans variable SET before
- executing
- I hope this one was the last variable I forgot to change
- Requires: - MakeIntoRolloverFile (included)
- - DELETED: Buttons for Slideshow with FastView and ViewTek, as Visage
- beats them all.
- Requires: - Visage.lha
- Filetypes:
- ==========
- ===
- - CAB: Yes, now "M$-LZX" is supported. Functions like all other
- archive formats: Double klick: LIST
- Command READ: LIST ALL
- Command USER1: Decrunch
- Command USER2: Show contents with Voodoo-X
- Requires: - Voodoo-X.lha
- !!! I am always looking for sources for different archiver
- formats.
- I cannot support ALL *.EXEcutable file-archivers from
- Win**** as there is NO STANDARD for those stupid
- Archiver-EXE files Directory Opus can deal with.
- - STREAM: Now even Playstation video files (*.STR) files are
- recognised. Double klick and button read will play them
- with Frogger >V1.55. I´ve made a separate filetype because
- Frogger needs a command line option to read those MODE2
- files from PSX-CD´s. Button User1 will start Frogger GUI
- to e.g. RIP STREAM files from PSX-CD´s
- Requires: - FroggerX.xx.lha
- - SID: The famous C64 song format now also supported by DOpusConfig!
- Almost everyone I know wanted these format - I don´t know why
- I include it earlier - I just love those songs
- Double-click will load Hippoplayer and play current song
- Button Read will add songs to Hippoplayer Playlist (requires
- configured Hippoplayer AREXX programs)
- Requires: - HippoPlayer.lha
- - Configured AREXX programs
- - SHR: Shrink Archives. I´ve found this great (but slow) archiver on
- my AMINET SET1A. Compression rates are sometimes greater than
- LZX, but compression and decompression time is much longer.
- Double klick: LIST
- Command AnsiREAD: Pack Archive
- Command HexREAD: Decrunch specified generation
- Command READ: LIST ALL
- Command USER1: Decrunch
- Command USER2: Show contents with Voodoo-X
- Requires: - Voodoo-X.lha
- - Shrink.lha
- - PGP: Double-click will decrypt PGP-encrypted files (PGP 2.X ONLY)
- Requires: - PGP2.x.x
- - DBM: Double-click in DigiBooster Modules will load DigiBooster.
- For playing those modules you can use Button PlaySong from
- button bank 2, this will load HippoPlayer.
- Requires: - DigiBooster1_7.lha
- - MD5: MD5 checksum files, double-click and "User 1" will check files
- for correct checksums. See Buttons / Do MD5 checksum for
- creating.
- Requires: - md5sum2.lha
- - ISO: Mode 1, Track at once CD-ROM ISO image. Double click will
- mount file as device CDEMU: and gives you access to contents.
- Read-only!
- Requires: - AmiCDROM_1_15.lha
- - CacheCDFS
- -------
- - MPEGA:Action Click-m-Click (Click Source tree then destination tree)
- will start AMPlifier to play MPEGA files instead of
- mpega.library
- Command AnsiRead will add selected files to AMPlifier Playlist
- WAS: Plays MPEGA-files with mpega.library MONO-Output
- Requires: - mpega.lha
- - mpega_library.lha
- - MPEG: Read will now play MEPG-Video files with the help of
- mpega.library & RIVA. At first audio stream will be ripped
- from input stream. Then ripley will start to play the mpeg
- file an immediate mpega will play ripped mpega file.
- Synchronisation is not perfect, but it is faster than any
- other MPEG-Video player available !!!
- Click-m-click now is configured with mpeg_play.
- Requires: - mpega_library.lha
- - mpega.lha
- - RiVA.lha
- - GZIP: CHANGED: Better detection of GZIP-packed files
- Requires: - gzip124x2.lha
- - Voodoo-X.lha
- - BZIP: NEW: Voodoo-X action (Button USER2) to BZIP packed
- files, requires xadmaster.lha V6+, will show contents of BZIP
- packed files.
- Requires: - bzip2.lha
- - Voodoo-X.lha
- - ADF: CHANGED: Drives used by button "USER1" were dismounted after
- operation - annoying for DF0: DF1: etc. Feature removed. Now
- you have to dismount drives manually.
- Requires: - TransADF.lha
- ADDED: Function to edit sample (Button USER2) with the help
- of SampleZ
- Requires: - SampleZ.lha
- - SWRT: FIXED: Double-click now will do what it should do before.
- Command USER1 will convert Final*-Data to .txt files
- - RAR: Added support for RAR and some RAR-EXE files
- Requires: - UnRAR.lha
- - Some other little changes in filetypes I´ve forgotten
- Menues:
- =======
- - NEW: "Converter / Win** txt -> UNIX txt" converts Windows style
- text files (With LineFeed & Carriage Return at end of lines)
- to UNIX STANDARD (Nearly all other Operating systems)
- Requires: - Kill0D.lha
- - NEW: "Special/MakeCD AddToFileList" Adds selected directories/files
- to a file named MCD-FileList.txt into destination directory.
- All filenames are copied WITHOUT path into filelist, so all
- files will be in root directory of CDR.
- - NEW: "Special/MakeCD AddToFileList PATH" Like "MakeCD AddToFileList"
- but also adds path into filelist. After adding all files you
- had to edit file with "Spezial/MakeCD Kill Path in FileList".
- Combined with MakeCD3.2c ideal for backup drives with more than
- 650 MB, because now you can make 2 filelists and with
- MakeCD3.2c also protection bits and comments work with filelist
- feature.
- - NEW: "Special/MakeCD Kill Path in FileList" removes absolute path
- name in filelist, so a valid MakeCD filelist will be produced.
- Old file will be named {NAME}.bak
- Requires: - stringer.lha
- - NEW: "Packing / SHRINK pack" & "Packing / SHRINK generation pack"
- will archive selected files & directories (with subdirs) into
- destination window with given filename. Generation pack will add
- files & directories with a new generation to SHRINK archive (see
- documentation of SHRINK explanation of this feature).
- Requires: - shrink.lha
- - NEW: "Special / Mount ISO-Image" & "Special / Remove ISO-Image
- Assign" will mount ISO-Mode 1 CD-images under CDEMU: assign, so
- you can check your imagefiles with DOpus. (Read-only)
- - Seems to work only with CacheCDFS, I have tried to use it
- with my AsimCDFS V3.10 but all I get is an empty directory of
- Requires: - CacheCDFS (Commercial product)
- - AmiCDROM_1_15.lha
- - NEW: "Special / MPEG-Clean-r" will remove useless and ! illegal !
- file headers from MPEGA audio files. Example: MPEGA audio files
- with ID3-header which are not supported by DOpusCFG beacuse
- there is no official file-format.
- Requires: -MpegClean-r.lha
- - CHANGED: "Functions / XFD List" now lists all selected entries with
- all subdirs
- Requires: - xfdmaster.lha
- - CHANGED: "Functions / XFD decrunch" now decrunches all selected
- entries with all subdirs.
- Decrunched files now receives same comments and protection
- bits as crunched files.
- Requires: - xfdmaster.lha
- - CHANGED: "Special / ADF-LZX decrunch" into "ADF-in-Archive to DISK"
- This function now uses xadmaster.library for decrunching.
- Requires: - xadmaster.lha
- - FIXED: "Special / Archiv-Contents scan" some visual changes and
- fixed ANSI-Codes for BOLD characters (Did not set to normal
- font after line break)
- Requires: - xadmaster.lha